Friday, September 27, 2013

Cheapskate DIY Bedroom Remodel!!

So, I don't know what your style is, but mine is C-H-E-A-P!! I just can't bear to pay what stores charge for the simplest things!  So I am always on the hunt for bargains, or junk that can be repurposed into something new.  I totally redid my bedroom for around $300.  That includes painting, and laying new glueless hardwood flooring.  We happened to be at an auction and they sold a lot of the snap-together glueless flooring - we got it for $130.00.  We laid it ourselves, of course.  A couple of gallons of paint and we were ready to decorate.  I purchased cheap flat sheets at Wal-mart for about $15, split them and sewed 1/2 to 1/2 of the other one and sewed ties along the top.  I found a gorgeous wooden curtain rod at Lowe's on clearance for $10. Everything else is pretty much yard sale finds.  I scored an old sewing cabinet, painted it ivory and stenciled the "Love is Kind' poem around the edge. Bought an old chair for $5 and a burlap sack for $3 to recover the seat.  Hanging on either side of the bed are a pair of yardsale shutters ($4) I split in half and attached a piece of wood to the bottom, hollowed out a hole for a tealight, and found a couple of old light fixture globes we had in the garage to make hanging candle holders.  The night stand on the other side of the bed was a yard sale find - $3 - painted it ivory.  The wall words, I purchased on ebay for about $13.00.  The hanging items and shelf were yardsale finds - painted them all ivory and filled one with some ivory roses I had laying around from craft project leftovers. I needed something to do with jewelry, so I found some old vintage jello molds and screwed them onto a scrap piece of barnwood.  Glued a few pearl strands and some lace and voila! 

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