Wednesday, September 10, 2014

DIY Fabric Flowers

My new favorite way to make shabby fabric flowers!!!!  My son is getting married, and we are making what we can to save money.  I think these are just beautiful, and super-easy to make.  They go pretty fast, and would be great "assembly-line" projects.
You cut squares of fabric, lace, burlap, whatever, some about 3-4" and some about 2". Then you fold in half, just slightly off center and fold in have again, just slightly off center, and add a dab of hot glue to secure your square.  Cut a circle out of cardboard, whatever size you want - these range from 2"-4" diameter.  I punched 2 holes in cardboard and threaded some jute through so we could hang later if we wanted. If not, I will just snip off the jute.  I then cut a matching circle of cardstock and hot glued to the back.  Then begin assembling the front flower.  Place a dab of hot glue about 1/2" from edge of circle and place your folded square.  Continue in a circle until you have covered the outside.  Repeat, working to the center with different fabric, and when done, hot glue a bead, button, or whatever you have to the center.